Medicolegal incidences are rising and laws are becoming complex. JLMR aims to inform and enrich the reader in both these aspect. JLMR has been conceived by a highly dedicated and Multidisciplinary team with aim to provide a Relevant Journal to the readers. The most important aim of JLMR is to help Practical & Relevant knowledge to reach every medical practitioner and our Open Access Policy underlines that
Journal Process: Rapid Peer Review and Fast Publication
We wish to keep the time between submissions to final decision to be 2 months only. To submit an article and take advantage of rapid review and publication process.
Aim of the Journal?
There are two main Aims of JLMR; to produce a body of literature that is clinically relevant and to make this knowledge freely accessible to all. Journals have shown a trend to move towards a more rigid framework of scientific publications, meanwhile losing the focus that Journals are meant to directly influence and improve patient care. Charging for downloading articles imposes another limitation on dispersion and use of knowledge. JLMR intends to counter these two issues by creating a journal that is intelligent, interactive, and clinically relevant and at the same time completely Open Access.
The Journal of Legal Medicine and Research will continue as a Six-monthly (2 issues per year) online journal. The online version will be an open-access source. The journal publishes original articles, Case Studies systematic reviews and meta-analyses, instructional lectures, case reports, technical notes and letters to the editor.
Scope of the Journal
Journal of Legal Medicine and Research will publish research in the field of Legal matters dealing with Medicine, medical practice and patient care
Journal of Legal Medicine and Research accepts following formats of articles
- Perspectives
- Insights
- Interviews
- Master Class
- Surveys
- Burning Questions
- Case Reports
- Original articles
- Reviews, meta-analysis, systematic reviews
- Case Study /Series
- Letter to Editor
- Letter to Experts
Read more on Scope of the Journal and authors instructions [CLICK HERE]
Dr. Santosh Kakade
Editor – Journal of Legal Medicine and Research