Journal of Regenerative Science
Journal of Regenerative Science
- About the Journal
Journal of Regenerative Science is open access, Double-blind peer reviewed as quarterly journal with contributions from all across the globe. Publishing articles related to Regenerative Sciences focusing on stem cell biology, tissue engineering, and regenerative medicine.
- Aims & Scope of the journal
Journal of Regenerative Science (JRC) publishes original and interesting case reports that contribute significantly to Regenerative. The focus of the journal will be clinical, medical and surgical Regenerative Therapy is a multidisciplinary journal that publishes original articles and reviews of basic research, clinical translation, industrial development, and regulatory issues focusing on stem cell biology, tissue engineering, and regenerative medicine. This journal primarily aims to cater to clinicians, researchers and health-care providers whose focus is on the understanding and treatment of Journal of Regenerative Science.
Journal of Medical Thesis
ournal Of medical Thesis has been a demand generated Journal. Every year more than six to seven thousand medical thesis are been written, However very few (less than 10%) see the light of publication. The Journal of Medical Thesis aims to provide a solution for this issue and also have added advantage for the students and the teachers who have invested both time and effort into the thesis. JMT will be an online, peer reviewed, quarterly Journal which will publish thesis in a format of scientific paper and also make the thesis online for easy Citation.
Medical thesis is one the most important document and mostly our first exposure to research. A lot of them do not get published in mainstream journals, as authors feel it is not good enough or there are lacunae or there are issues with the designing of the study. However all thesis do involve collection of data which has potential to answer a question. Even if the thesis has a small learning point or a small practical or statistical point to make, we feel it is worth publishing. We feel an independent Journal of Medical Thesis will have following advantages
1. The Student and teacher will get the credit and citation for their work
2. This will also lead to wide dispersion of the authors work
3. Sharing of this knowledge will also justify the co-operation of your patients and fulfill an important Ethical requirement.
4. With thesis being published online, the amount of plagiarism will automatically decrease and will lead to generation of better thesis in future
5. With peer review process of the journal the validity of the thesis will be further enhanced
6. The journal will be indexed with all major Indexing bodies, with improved citations for the authors.
7. Will allow immortalizing the first research work of all medical students across the globe and faculties. -
International Journal Of Paediatric Orthopaedics
About the Journal
The International Journal of Paediatric Orthopaedics is a peer-reviewed journal being published under the aegis of the Indian Orthopaedic Research Group (IORG), an organisation dedicated to promoting Academic orthopaedic research in India. iJPO is started with an idea of a journal that will be international, intelligent, interactive and at the same time clinically relevant. Although the editors welcome submissions from all over the world, the journal primarily aims to publish research from Asian countries. The stress is on latest research in the field of Paediatric Orthopaedics including aetiopathology, clinical and radiographic outcomes, surgical technique and implant design, biomechanics, and biomaterials.
Dr Ashok Shyam
International Journal of Paediatric Orthopaedics
Contact IJPO: email:
website: -
Back Bone: The Spine Journal
BackBone (BACKBONE) journal is an official peer reviewed open access Journal as an initiative by Spine Association of Gujarat (SAG). It is a peer-reviewed biannual journal. The journal welcomes submissions from all over the world, and l primarily aims to publish articles or papers in field of Spine Surgery including aetiopathology, clinical and radiological outcomes, surgical technique and implant design, biomechanics and biomaterials. Journal welcomes submission in form of original research, basic science research, case reports, prospective and retrospective analytical research, technical tips, innovations and ideas, letter to the editor, reviews and review articles as well as general articles related with spine practice including medicolegal aspects and doctor-patient relationships.
Journal of Orthopaedic Case Reports
Journal of Orthopaedic Case Reports is an International, Peer reviewed, online Journal which will be published monthly.
Journal of Legal Medicine and Research
Journal of Legal Medicine and Research (JLMR) is an Peer Reviewed Journal Publishing articles related to care and research in field of Legal Medicine and is the official Journal of Core India Institute of Legal Medicine and Academic Research Group
Scope of the Journal
JLMR will focus to integrate knowledge from all resources and create a common wisdom pool. Journal of Legal Medicine and Research provides a platform for sharing any Medicolegal Knowledge which has impact on clinical practice and clinical practitioners and hospitals. This journal primarily aims to cater to clinicians, Lawyers, researchers and health-care providers whose focus is on medicolegal aspect of the clinical practice
Odisha Journal of Orthopaedics and Trauma
Odisha Journal of Orthopaedics and Trauma (OJOT) is official Journal of Odisha Orthopaedic Association and is one of the oldest journal in the country completing its 40 year of publication in 2019. It is a peer-reviewed biannual journal. Although the editors welcome submissions from all over the world, the journal primarily aims to publish research from Odisha and India. The stress is on latest research in the field of Orthopaedics including aetiopathology, clinical and radiographic outcomes, surgical technique and implant design, biomechanics, and biomaterials.
International Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery
International Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery, a publication of West Bengal Orthopaedic Association, is a peer-reviewed online journal with Semiannual print on demand compilation of issues published. The journal’s full text is available online at
The journal allows free access (Open Access) to its contents and permits authors to self-archive final accepted version of the articles on any OAI-compliant institutional / subject-based repository.
Indian Journal of Medical Sciences
Indian Journal of Medical Sciences is a quarterly journal published as a medium for the advancement of scientific knowledge in all the branches of Medicine and allied Sciences and publication of scientific investigation in these fields. It is also intended to present this as a form suitable to the general practitioner and primary care physician. The journals full text is available online at The journal allows free access (Open Access) to its contents and permits authors to self-archive final accepted version of the articles on any OAI-compliant institutional / subject-based repository.
The journal is owned by the Indian Journal of Medical Sciences Trust, a registered charitable organisation and published by Indian Orthopaedic Research Group, India.
International Journal of Regional Anaesthesia
International Journal of Regional Anaesthesia (IJRA) is official Journal of Academy of Regional Anaesthesia. It is a peer-reviewed open access journal. Although the editors welcome submissions from all over the world, the journal primarily aims to publish research from India. The stress is on latest research in the field of Regional Anaesthesia including aetiopathology, clinical and radiographic outcomes, surgical technique and implant design, biomechanics, and biomaterials.
Journal of Karnataka Orthopaedic Association
Journal of Karnataka Orthopaedic Association (JKOA) is official Journal of Karnataka Orthopaedic Association. It is a double blind peer-reviewed biannual journal. Although the editors welcome submissions from all over the world, the journal primarily aims to publish research from Karnataka and India. The stress is on latest research in the field of Orthopaedics including aetiopathology, clinical and radiographic outcomes, surgical technique and implant design, biomechanics, and biomaterials.
Journal of Clinical Orthopaedics
 Journal of Clinical Orthopaedics  is the Official Journal of Bombay Orthopaedic Society -
Acta of Shoulder and Elbow Surgery
The Acta of Shoulder and Elbow Surgery is a peer-reviewed Open access journal which will be published quarterly. ASES is started with an idea of a journal that will be international, intelligent, interactive and at the same time clinically relevant. The editors welcome submissions from all over the world. The stress is on latest research in the field of Shoulder and Elbow Surgery including aetiopathology, clinical and radiographic outcomes, surgical technique and implant design, biomechanics, and biomaterials. Special focus will be on surgical techniques and Videos
Journal of Bone and Joint Diseases
Journal of Bone and Joint Diseases (JBJD) is official Journal of UP Orthopaedic Association. It is a peer-reviewed quarterly journal. Although the editors welcome submissions from all over the world, the journal primarily aims to publish research from UP and India. The stress is on latest research in the field of Orthopaedics including aetiopathology, clinical and radiographic outcomes, surgical technique and implant design, biomechanics, and biomaterials.
Asian Journal of Arthroscopy
Asian Journal of Arthroscopy is a peer-reviewed journal being published under the aegis of the Indian Orthopaedic Research Group (IORG), an organisation dedicated to promoting Academic research. Asian Journal of Arthroscopy is started with an idea of a journal that will be international, intelligent, interactive and at the same time clinically relevant. The “Asian Journal of Arthroscopy†is a unique venture and the idea is to develop a single portal where all information regarding Arthroscopy can be found and shared. AJA will focus to integrate knowledge from all resources and create a common wisdom pool focused on Arthroscopic Surgery and its advancement. AJA will have special emphasis on the Asia- Pacific region but we will invite contributions from all across the globe. The stress is on latest research in the field of Arthroscopy Surgery including the main areas of Knee, shoulder, hip, ankle elbow and wrist Arthroscopy and also extra-articular arthroscopy techniques. The articles can focus on surgical technique, clinical and radiographic outcomes, implant design, biomechanics, or biomaterials. The entire format of the Journal will be one of ‘Integration’ with basic science (anatomy, physiology and pathology), clinical trials, clinical research, case based discussion, evidence based medicine, expert opinion, Videos, keynote presentations and web resources, all aiming together to ‘Translate’ into betterment of Arrthroscopy strategies and surgeries
Journal of Forensic, Toxicology and Medicolegal Analysis
Journal of Forensic, Toxicology and Medicolegal Analysis will be a quarterly online and print journal which will be published under the aegis of International Academic Research Group (IARG). It will be an open access and peer reviewed journal for wide circulation. The focus will be on case reports, small case series and comparative cohorts. These include rare cases, cases that have any significant message to deliver and challenging cases that have controversial diagnostic solutions. It may also include any variation in techniques that the authors have innovated or a particular case that in authors’ opinion holds a special significance in terms of Forensic, Toxicology and Medicolegal perspective. -
Journal of Bone and Soft Tissue Tumors
Welcome to the “Journal of Bone and Soft Tissue Tumors†(JBST). This is a unique venture and is been developed as an online portal incluing the ‘Journal of Bone and Soft Tissue Tumors’ along with ‘OncoMedia’ section which will contain technical videos, power point presentations and other academic material. Both these will combine together to form the ‘JBST’ portal but will also hold individual identities. The idea is to develop a single portal where all information regarding Bone and Soft tissue tumors can be found and shared. JBST will focus to integrate knowledge from all resources and create a common wisdom pool. The focus of the journal will be clinical, medical and surgical aspects of orthopaedic oncology but will also extend to include Basic sciences, clinical trials, molecular biology; genetics, pathology; radiodiagnosis, interventional radiology, radiotherapy, biomechanics; biomaterials; nanotechnology; and also special prosthesis designs. This journal primarily aims to cater to clinicians, researchers and health-care providers whose focus is on the understanding and treatment of bone and soft tissue tumors
JBST will be an international peer review Journal with contributions from all across the globe.
What is different about JBST?
- Integration of Knowledge starting from basic science to clinical studies to provide a unique structural overview of the entire scenario of bone and soft tissue tumors
- Create Wisdom pool by combining Evidence Based Principles with Expertise and Experience. A section or whole issues will be dedicated to burning questions in Orthopaedic Oncology with invited articles, reviews and original work
- Better Patient Care with inclusion of clinical relevance section to articles of JBST and Case Based discussions and debates.
- Improve training and educational resources through video journal and ‘OncoMedia’
The entire format of the Journal will be one of ‘Integration’ with basic science, clinical trials, clinical research, case based discussion, evidence based medicine, expert opinion, Videos, keynote presentations and web resources, all aiming together to ‘Translate’ into betterment of care in Bone tumors. The submission format is kept very simple and practical and accepted articles will be in form of case reports, case series, original articles, technical notes and also metanalysis and systematic review of literature with complications or complicated cases in focus.
Journal of Anaesthesia and Critical Care Case Reports
JACCR will be a Triannual online journal which will be published under the aegis of International Academic Research Group (IARG). It will be an open access and double blind peer reviewed journal for wide circulation. The focus will be on case reports and small case series. These include rare cases, cases that have any significant message to deliver and challenging cases that have controversial management options in literature. It may also include any variation in techniques that the authors have innovated or a particular case that in authors’ opinion holds a special significance.
The journal will have a special “manuscript assist section†to support authors in writing manuscripts. This service will be provided by the Academic Research Group which will help in making all manuscripts submitted to the JACCR of highest academic quality.
We invite you all to contribute to JACCR.  The website supports an article submission software and provides a detailed instructions to authors. Please feel free to contact us by mail on
Journal of Orthopaedics and Rehabilitation
About the Journal
The  Journal of Orthopaedics and Rehabilitation was started in 2011 and is a peer-reviewed journal being published under the aegis of the Indian Orthopaedic Research Group (IORG), and Sancheti Institute for Orthopaedics and Rehabilitation.JOR is started with an idea of a journal that will be international, intelligent, interactive and at the same time clinically relevant. Although the editors welcome submissions from all over the world, the journal primarily aims to publish research from Asian countries. The stress is on latest research in the field of  Orthopaedics including aetiopathology, clinical and radiographic outcomes, surgical technique and implant design, biomechanics, and biomaterials.
Why the new Journal?
There are two main reasons; to produce a body of literature that is clinically relevant and to make this knowledge freely accessible to all. Journals have shown trend to move towards a more rigid framework of scientific publications, meanwhile losing the focus that Journals are meant to directly influence and improve patient care. Charging for downloading articles imposes another limitation on dispersion and use of knowledge. JORÂ intends to counter these two issues by creating a journal that is intelligent, interactive, and clinically relevant and at the same time completely Open Access.
The  Journal of Orthopaedics and Rehabilitation was first published in 2011 and will now continue as a quarterly (4 issues per year) print and online journal. The online version will be an open access source and the print version will be made available on subscription. The journal publishes original articles, systematic reviews and meta-analyses, instructional lectures, case reports, technical notes and letters to the editor.
Scope of the Journal
Journal of Orthopaedics and Rehabilitation will publish research in the field of Orthopaedics including aetiopathology, clinical and radiographic outcomes, surgical technique and implant design, biomechanics, biomaterials, and Congenital disorders.
Journal of Orthopaedics and Rehabilitation accepts following formats of articles
- Perspectives
- Insights
- Interviews
- Master Class
- Innovations
- Burning Questions
- Case Reports
- Original articles
- Reviews, meta-analysis, systematic reviews
- Case Study /Series
- Case Image
- Technical Note
- Video Technique
- Surgical Tips and tricks
- Case Approach
- Clinical Perspective
- Letter to Editor
- Letter to Experts
Description of various format is provided below
Perspectives – A clinical overview of a common topic with aim to share with reader the recent update and current state of affairs
Insights – Invited article from an Expert in the Field specially focusing on their area of Research or Interest
Interviews – Academicians and Researchers across the world will get a chance to feature in our interview section and share their views
Master Class – In this feature we will invite a ‘Master’ to demonstrate videos or pictorial demonstrations of surgical techniques or concepts.
Innovations:Â An innovative concept or an Idea that provides a new perspective. This needs to send directly to editorial email and after editorial review it will be send for peer review. 1000 words article describing the new concept, implant, protocol or surgical modification should be accompanied with a note of how this will be clinically relevant.
Burning Questions:Â Opinion/Counter opinions from experts or group of experts on selected topics
Original Articles: include case series, comparative trials, epidemiological studies and RCT’s
Case Reports:Â Have been detailed below and all the remaining formats follow similar guidelines as case reports
Case Image:Â is description of a single Image which has an unique learning point
Technical Note and Video Technique: detailed description of a new technique or improvisation of an old technique
 Surgical Tips: Small surgical tips and pearls are invited for this section. Pictures are essential and video will be preferable
Case Study:Â This new format combines the level V evidence with Clinical Decision Making (CDM). It focuses on getting the thought process of the treating surgeon when dealing with a complex/complicated case
Case Approach:Â This is a new but invited only section. We will invite an expert to describe to his approach to a particular case scenario with literature and rationale behind the approach
Clinical Perspective:Â this special section will publish specific learning points or experiences which the authors can share with the readers. The only essential point is that this perspective should be clinically relevant and rationally acceptable. This need not be with details of management or follow up of the case. The idea is to provide a platform for publication of these important and clinically relevant learning points. A single page write up of less than 1000 words will be accepted.
Letter to Editor: on articles in  Journal of Orthopaedics and Rehabilitation. Letters should be typed double-spaced and limited to 1000 words. A copy of the letter will be sent to the previous article’s author(s) to invite a response.
Letter to Experts:Â Â Journal of Orthopaedics and Rehabilitation will soon be creating an Expert panel of surgeons. Readers of JORÂ can ask queries regarding their cases to our Experts. These queries will be answered by experts and the Orthopaedic Research Group will add literature review to this expert opinion and article will be peer reviewed and published in 15 days.
Photo-Article:Â Pictorial articles which will be an easy read with most important message highlight
Read more on Scope of the Journal and authors instructions [CLICK HERE]
Dr Ashok Shyam
Journal of Orthopaedics and Rehabilitation -
Trauma International
About the Journal
Trauma International is a peer-reviewed journal being published under the aegis of the Indian Orthopaedic Research Group (IORG), an organisation dedicated to promoting Academic research in India. Trauma International is started with an idea of a journal that will be international, intelligent, interactive and at the same time clinically relevant. The editors welcome submissions from all over the world. The stress is on latest research in the field of Trauma and Injury including emergency care, orthopaedic and surgical care, clinical and radiographic outcomes, surgical techniques and implant design, biomechanics, and biomaterials. All aspects of case of injured will fall within the scope of the Journal
Why the new Journal?
There are two main reasons; to produce a body of literature that is clinically relevant and to make this knowledge freely accessible to all. Journals have shown trend to move towards a more rigid framework of scientific publications, meanwhile losing the focus that Journals are meant to directly influence and improve patient care. Charging for downloading articles imposes another limitation on dispersion and use of knowledge. Trauma INTERNATIONAL intends to counter these two issues by creating a journal that is intelligent, interactive, and clinically relevant and at the same time completely Open Access.
Trauma International will be a quarterly (4 issues per year) print and online journal. The online version will be an open access source and the print version will be made available on subscription. The journal publishes original articles, systematic reviews and meta-analyses, instructional lectures, case reports, technical notes and letters to the editor.
International Journal of Spine
About the Journal
The International Journal of Spine is a peer-reviewed journal being published under the aegis of the Indian Orthopaedic Research Group (IORG), an organisation dedicated to promoting Academic orthopaedic research in India. IJS is started with an idea of a journal that will be international, intelligent, interactive and at the same time clinically relevant. Although the editors welcome submissions from all over the world, the journal primarily aims to publish research from Asian countries. The stress is on latest research in the field of Spine Surgery including aetiopathology, clinical and radiographic outcomes, surgical technique and implant design, biomechanics, and biomaterials.
Why the new Journal?
There are two main reasons; to produce a body of literature that is clinically relevant and to make this knowledge freely accessible to all. Journals have shown trend to move towards a more rigid framework of scientific publications, meanwhile losing the focus that Journals are meant to directly influence and improve patient care. Charging for downloading articles imposes another limitation on dispersion and use of knowledge. IJS intends to counter these two issues by creating a journal that is intelligent, interactive, and clinically relevant and at the same time completely Open Access.
The International Journal of Spine will be a quarterly (4 issues per year) print and online journal. The online version will be an open access source and the print version will be made available on subscription. The journal publishes original articles, systematic reviews and meta-analyses, instructional lectures, case reports, technical notes and letters to the editor.
International Journal of Surgical Cases
Case reports are the stepping stones in building any body of literature. They are easy to write, have a mass appeal and have an important practical application to patient care.
In recent times this body of evidence has been neglected and the number of case reports accepted by mainstream journals has decreased considerably. Journals as policy are now not accepting case reports due to lack of space and the low priority attached to them. However, other branches like orthopaedics and medicine have journals dedicated exclusively to case reports. The International Journal Surgical Cases (IJSC) has been conceived on similar lines in order to cater to Surgeons.
IJSC will be a quarterly online and print journal which will be published under the aegis of International Academic Research Group (IARG). It will be an open access and peer reviewed journal for wide circulation. The focus will be on case reports and small case series. These include rare cases, cases that have any significant message to deliver and challenging cases that have controversial management options in literature. It may also include any variation in techniques that the authors have innovated or a particular case that in authors’ opinion holds a special significance.
IJSC will have dedicated sections on Congenital anomalies, Infections, Injuries, Complications and an additional Miscellaneous section. All the section will have separate section editors. The journal will have a special “manuscript assist section†to support authors in writing manuscripts. This service will be provided by the Academic Research Group which will help in making all manuscripts submitted to the IJSC of highest academic quality.
We invite you all to contribute to IJSC. IJSC website supports an article submission software and provides a detailed instructions to authors. Please feel free to contact us by mail on
Journal of Trauma & Orthopaedics
Official Journal of Maharashtra Orthopaedic Association
Journal of Trauma and Orthopaedics is a continuity of the Journal of Maharashtra Orthopaedic Association.
M.O.A. Â Maharashtra Orthopaedic Association is a state chapter of Indian Orthopaedic Association founded by Dr A. K. Talwalkar in the city of Pune in 1983 with the idea of enhancing and promoting the principles and practise of Orthopaedic Surgery in the state. It has now become one of the most active State chapters in IOA and Maharashtra is proud to have produced many leaders and pioneers in Indian Orthopaedics.
Keeping the same Spirit of Pioneers in Orthopaedic Academics, MOA is now running the online version of ‘The Journal of Maharashtra Orthopaedic Association’ (JMOA) since 1995. Journal of Trauma and Orthopaedics is a continuity of the Journal of Maharashtra Orthopaedic Association.
The online Version will be along with a ‘Manuscript Submission and Review’ Software that will make all Journal Submissions and review process online and completely Paperless.
This Initiative is taken with support of the ‘Indian Orthopaedic Research Group’ . The IORG will be actively involved in functioning of the JTO in terms of providing editorial supports,  Proof reading and formatting the articles and maintaining the updated website. IORG will also help in Indexing the Journal and providing search engine optimisation for articles published in JTO.